So, it's July and I have been eating... raw food... plant-strong food and no processed food. I do buy some mung bean pasta and tahini from the health food store and that is processed in a factory... but the ingredients are simple. I have been exercising every day... for at least 30 minutes a day.... since December... I have ran a 5K... and have accomplished things... I never thought I would....
I started teaching water aerobics in my own pool. I am going back to college at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I feel a focus and I feel happy to be changing my body weight, my lifestype and maybe my long term health. I don't say I am vegan or vegetarian... I just say I am mostly plant strong. I eat mostly things that grow... I was very depressed last year and NEVER exercised... I had a million excuses why I couldn't or didn't.
I wanted to give you 10 reasons to exercise today.... YOU don't have to join a gym...but it it will get you up and out.. then do that.. YOU don't have to start running....JUST move more... during commercials.. do some jumping jacks... or situps... or simple arm rolls.
I started a new business and it's called the fountain of health by LisaRenee... I offer health coaching, pantry overhauls, label checking in grocery stores. I offer detox and cleansing classes and cooking classes.
Exercise can be the closest thing to the fountain of youth. Regular activity strengthen your muscles and improve heart and lunch function. Exercise can reduce your risk of major diseases, stimulate the growth of new brain cells, and even add years to your life. 30 minutes... on most days is a big benefit. YOU could work at your computer and go to youtube and search exercise and turn it down and do 30 minutes of exercise right there.. in your cubical. ( not at your lunch 1/2 hr, because eating away from your desk is important)
Here are 10 benefits of exercise
1. Keep you young -Workouts such as walking, cycling can boost the amount of oxygen consumed during exercise. Improving your aerobic capacity by just 15 to 25 percent would be like shaving 10 to 20 years off your age. Aerobic exercise is said to stimulate the growth of new brain cells in older adults.
2.Reduce infections- Moderate workouts rev-up the immune system by increasing the aggressiveness of capacity of immune cells. People who exercise catch fewer colds.
3. Prevent Heart attacks- Exercise raises good HDL cholesterol and lower blood pressure, but new research shows it reduces arterial inflammation, another risk factor heart attacks and strokes.
4.Ease Asthma-New evidence is showing that upper-body and breathing exercises can reduce the need to use an inhaler in mild cases of asthma.
5.Control blood sugar-Exercise helps maintain healthy blood-sugar levels by increasing the cells sensitivity to insulin and by controlling weight. Regular brisk walking can cut the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
6.Protect against cancer-Exercise may reduce the risk of colon-cancer by speeding waste through the stomach and lowering the insulin level. It may also be linked to protecting breast and prostate cancer by regulating hormone levels.
7.Combat stress-Regular aerobic exercise lowers levels of stress hormones. and it can relieve depression... instead of antidepressant medicines.
8.Relieve hot flashes-Increasing fitness by walking or practicing yoga enhances mood and reduces some menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.
9. Protect men's health-Pelvic exercises help prevent erectile dysfunction and possibly benign prostate enlargement.
10.Prolonging life-Studies lasting many years have consistently shown that being active cuts the risk of premature death by about 50 percent for women and men.

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