My son is been obsessed with Ponds for 2 weeks now.. I have been to almost every pond, without a fence in my area. We have wadded in in , fished in it, boated in it or taken pictures of it.. What follows are pictures, lesson plans and book to read before, during and after the "unit".
My son's favorite is...
Around the Pond
Who's been Here?

We worked on sentence strips.... a few of our other favorite books are:
Another frog sighting....
He wants to see a Raccoon now near a pond and a beaver.
We have seen a blue heron but not a white heron.
We have also seen lots of dragonflies,frogs, turtles and sunfish.
We sang five green and speckled frogs.
see the snail he found.... in the morning at a stream.. and crayfish....He has not found a salamander yet... and he really wants to...
But my favorite book is about a Peach and a Frog ...It is about a blue-bellied toad actually who wanders away from his pond into the grass near snake holes and finally rests in the shade under a peach tree.....and becomes friends with a PEACH
If you have never seen this try to find it in the library, we own it because I love the paintings.. by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher in the book. The author is Sarah S. Kilborne
The last favorite we had with the pond theme is....
It is a sweet story... and the whole book I thought the grandaughter was the fishing buddy....
For younger children... IN the small, small pond by Denise Fleming is a great one..... So as we introduce... streams and rivers... my son will find more habitats... that I will share with you... We have a day trip planned to a large waterfall park this August... so you will be sure to enjoy those photos. IF you have never read a Thomas Locker book ... Water Dance is one... I leave you with...( he did cloud dance also) Our next theme is TREES.
"In the shadows of the mountain, I am still and deep. I fill and overflow. I am the lake".
Water dance teaches about the water cycle....
Great pictures; I love how you follow his passion. I, too tried to do this with my son, til he wanted to build a robot out of an old stove pipe. I came up with a lot of other suggestions, but he wanted a nasty used pipe. I had to put my foot down and redirect him. It is funny, what kids want sometime. Later on, I bought him a cyber arm...robotic gizmo. He still remembers the robot... He wanted to be Mega Man.
He was everything else, but that one...he still remembers! Enjoy, you are a great Mom~
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