So over at she had 5 fun writing prompts to pick from and although, I have a fun topic to share today on my blog, I wanted to play along with her...
I choose prompt number 5. IMAGINE your life as a book, IN 100 words write the blurb for it. (IT is what people read on the back cover)
So Here goes....
At 42 Wasabi Mommy brings a plethora of interesting topics to the blogging world. Her parents were divorced when she was 1, she was raised on 17 acres of land by her grandmother, but her mother took her for third and fourth grade to Florida. In Florida as a third grader her mom's boyfriend tried to get her to smoke pot, and her mother's house was filled with lizards and cockroaches. Coming back to New York in 5th grade Wasabi Mommy was behind in her studies and she found out she had a learning disability, but got no help or support for it. In her 2o's Wasabi Mommy learns she has lupus and thus begins her up hill battle. She marches on and gets married at age 36 and has her son at age 37. When her son embarks on his new kindergarten adventure, Wasabi Mommy will be reinventing herself, possible new job and new life, after finding out her husband has been having affairs since they were married and leaving her job of 5 years.
This poignant narrative is a balm to anyone who has faced rejection or betrayal. This book shows us that who we are does not come from what we wear or buy buy from a place within our souls.
You have had quite a life! I would definitely pick up that book to read! :)
That would be a hell of a book! You should write it!
We have very very similar timelines to our lives ... I'm 42, had my son at 36 ... wait ... are we the same person????
And I'm LOVING your blog header photo with all the books!! I just got "THe Happiness Project" for Mother's Day and can't wait to check it out!
You did good!
Sounds like you've endured a lot over the course of your short life and have remained positive throughout. Kudos to you for persevering and keep up the awesome attitude. You've got many more years ahead of you.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Writer's Workshop post. Have a great day.
Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud
Wow! What a story! You are pretty remarkable to have gotten through as well as you did.
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