1. Please share one memory of your high school graduation. Pics would be great!
This is a picture of my dad and of course me at my high school graduation, He did not have a beard most of my life but here he does, I miss him alot. He died in 2003 suddenly in his sleep. My parents were divorced and he had been remarried to my step-mom since I was 2 or 3. All my graduation pictures are of my family members and me, no group shots... I do have a few with friends... My mother had a graduation party for me...
I really did not have a bad high school experience but I do remember wanting to get in the senior yearbook as Most Individualistic...I tried to wear crazy berets, and fun outfits, but to no avail I did not win it...
2. What is one "emergency use" item you keep in your vehicle at all times?
I am not very prepared for emergency and that is bad, I keep saying I am going to get a kit with flares, a blanket, water, snacks, flashlight etc.. but I guess all I have is my spare tire?? pathetic...
3. In your region, do you celebrate graduation open houses? Addendum: (If so,) how many open
houses/bridal showers/weddings are on your upcoming events calendar?
I love parties, especially if I am the planner, so I always have a bridal shower or baby shower to plan but I have not done any graduation parties, and the last one I went to was one of my husbands students he teaches.
4. Tell me one truth you believe about motherhood.
Today when I was linking up at www.reluctantentertainer.com I read a fellow bloggers post about motherhood and she said, "IT starts, (motherhood) the second you find out you are pregnant." I truly believe this and I believe the drive and force I have inside of me for my child is stronger than anything else. I also believe it is one of the hardest jobs- to balance work and family and all there different needs, to parent them but be a bit of a friend, to have rules, to try to instill eating dinner as a family, talking about drugs and sex early, trying to instill empathy and religion, advocating for special needs children, putting a smile on at doctors and being able to keep your chin up with diagnosis that is hard to hear, it's all so hard, while all the while just hoping they will turn out ok, and feel loved and not go down a dark path, and afraid if it's a boy that they move far away and they never visit you....
5. What was the last thing you broke?
I am a bit clumsy, blame it on lupus.... but I only have 2 pairs of sunglasses all just no name kind, and I broke one pair.
6. On average, how many pieces of junk mail do you receive daily?
I signed up to reduce waste for the planet and get less in the mail and more email if I am really interested so not that many but some sneak in, so 2 or 3 pieces.
7. Do you like to shop by catalog?
I was once a size 8 and I would shop catalogs with ease, but now it's not as easy except when I have money which has not been for 3 years, I would shop for bathing suits from Victoria Secret as they always fit my size 12 body.
8. Is lawn maintenance at your house a "his job," a "her job" or "his/her job" or "that's why we have teenagers" job?
This is a great question, as I have lived with my husband 5 years and only one women who is married in our neighborhood mows, I am no opposed to it, but when I worked I had NO time to mow, Saturday was cleaning day and Sunday lots of other chores, and outings for my son. But I am not working now, so I asked my husband to show me how to work our very temperamental and OLD mower and he says "why?" I said I thought I could do it for you sometimes now that I am home, he said "Maybe".... really??? Ok but I am willing and maybe he will reconsider....
9. Which room would you like to redecorate in your home?
many of them, our home is old, but if I had to pick just one the Tv room my son has trashed both sofas and so have the cats.....
10. Do you read a newspaper regularly, or do you read most of your news on line?
I am embarrassed to say I only hear news right now that I am not working on the radio to and from the grocery store, on the yahoo bar or from a friend.... I am so bad....
11. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I do believe everything happens for a reason ... my blog has the rest of this quote but this is how it goes... "Every mistake in my life has turned into a treasure...."I recently made the decision to leave my job after 5 years and it was a great place to work, but it was time, and it has turned out to be a blessing in disguise, although I will have to go back to some type of work in September when my son goes to K, but it has forced me to decide to pursue other interests.
12. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
I am NOT a perfectionsish and never will be, I do however like to do a job right, I never like to disappoint a boss no matter how minor, and get very upsett when I do. I dislike getting yelled at for anything, even things around the house.... My husband however, is a perfectionist and when I first lived with him, it was hard, he wanted the dishwasher loaded a certain way... He wanted to glasses in the cabniet put away a certain way, he showed me the way he liked the washer load etc.,... It was system overload back then.... Now I do it his way sometimes and my way other times....
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I love your answers. Get your emergency stuff in the car. At least a flashlight. The rest would be nice but you can be safe as long as you can see. In the winter, since I live in Minnesota we keep winter gear in the car also.
I hope you have a great and blessed day. Take care.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I enjoyed your Random Dozen answers. You look just the same now as you did in high school! ~ I took have thought about get an emergency box made up to put in my trunk and just haven't done it! I guess that's the procrastinator in me!
Great answers. Sorry about your dad being gone. Now news is good news! Thanks for stopping over today, it's nice to meet you.
P.S. I forgot to answer your questions about my blog! I did all of the arranaging of elements on my blog. The background and tags were created by karen at Valentine Design. ~ Thanks again for stopping by!
Wonderful post! :) I'm so glad you are enjoying this special time at home with your precious boy instead of worrying about what comes next. :)
Loved reading your answers and getting to know you better!!
I enjoyed your answers and look forward to reading more of your past post. If was great meeting you.
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